
Puffer fish for sale
Puffer fish for sale

puffer fish for sale

While certain individual dwarfs can show these aggressive tendencies, in my experience aggressive dwarf puffers are not common.Ĭ. If a fish is injured, it is a good idea to move it to a separate tank for treatment, as the other fish will begin picking at its wound until the injured fish dies. According to these reports, males especially can be quite nasty toward their conspecifics. Most of the dwarfs that I’ve kept have been pretty easygoing (other than the occasional territorial display or fin nip), but other aquarists have reported incidents of aggression. For the puffers, I keep the flow at a fairly slow rate. I use sponge filters in my tanks where I can adjust the flow from practically nothing to a raging torrent. Puffers in general are not strong swimmers and seem to prefer areas with lesser water flow. A good filter helps maintain water quality, but make sure the flow isn’t too strong. They do well in smaller tanks, and a pair or trio can be kept in a desktop tank. These fish prefer well-planted tanks with some areas where each male can set up his territory. If you provide them with clean water and the right foods, dwarf puffers will reward you with many years of unique behavior. Keep the dissolved organics and nitrates low by doing large regular water changes, especially if you are keeping them in smaller tanks. It does appear that clean water is important. I have kept and bred them in water with a neutral to slightly basic pH, a total hardness around 125 ppm (with about half of that coming from carbonates), and a temperature in the mid to upper 70s (F). Spawns have been reported by many hobbyists in both hard and soft water with a recorded pH both slightly above and slightly below neutral. As long as extremes are avoided, your fish should do just fine. In captivity, they are not too picky about water parameters. This means that these fish, unlike many of their more well-known puffer cousins, are purely freshwater fish and do not appreciate the addition of salt to their water. It should be noted that dwarf puffers make their home in the Pamba River, which flows from the mountains of the Western Ghats into the Vembanad Lake (another location these fish have been collected). This beautiful land far to the south of the city of Mumbai (formerly called Bombay) is crisscrossed with rivers and is the home to many long-time popular aquarium fish, such as the spiketail paradise fish Pseudosphromenus dayi, the glass perch or glassfish Parambassis ranga (formerly Chanda ranga), and the giant danio Devario malabaricus. It is located in the present-day Indian state of Kerala, on the western coast of southern India.

puffer fish for sale

Out of all of these fishes from India, one that attracts the most interest from hobbyists is the dwarf puffer Carinotetraodon travancoricus.Ĭoming to the hobby from a land that is steeped in ancient and exotic mystery, where even the locality names evoke the mystique of the old world, these diminutive blowfish take their name from the old Maharaja-ruled Indian principality that was known as Travancore. Several of them-the torpedo-shaped redline barb Puntius denisonii, the stunning drapefin barb Oreichthys sp., the beautiful scarlet badis Dario dario, and many others-have even become new staples of the industry. In the last 12 years or so the aquarium hobby has seen an explosion of new fishes from India. With a perfect mix of charm, intelligence, and spunk, the dwarf puffers from India’s Pamba River are fascinating creatures to keep-and breed-in the home aquarium. THIS IS LOCALLY BRED STOCK WHERE THE FISH WERE BORN AND BRED IN AUSTRALIA. WE CAN SHIP THIS THROUGH OUT AUSTRALIA INCLUDING ALL RESIDENTIAL ADDRESSES.

Puffer fish for sale